Piedmont Healthcare awarded Quality and Patient Safety Award for infection prevention project

Feb. 2, 2019

The Partnership for Health and Accountability (PHA) presented its prestigious Quality and Patient Safety Award to Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta for its project designed to prevent infections. The project, titled, “Patient Safety Check: Real Time Clinical Decision Support to Keep Patients Safe from Infection,”

improved clinical decision support to help with infection prevention and won third place in the Josh Nahum Award for Infection Prevention and Control category.

The Patient Safety Check project consists of Promise Packages, which are support tools designed for management of infection prevention bundles and quality initiatives throughout Piedmont Healthcare. These include CAUTI (Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection) and CLABSI (Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection) Prevention and Clean 4 You, which consists of four components: Clean Bed, Clean Patient, Clean Hands, and Clean Room. The Promise Packages are online tools, which contain policies, procedures, visuals, step-by-step Epic documentation flow, and more.

These annual awards recognize Georgia health care organizations for achievement in reducing the risk of medical errors and improving patient safety and medical outcomes.

Piedmont has the release.