Online information increases

June 19, 2019
IAHCSMM’s expanding web offerings aid process improvement, enhance education

IAHCSMM Viewpoint

All Central Service/Sterile Processing (CS/SP) professionals should strive to improve their practices daily and make an ongoing commitment to professional growth and knowledge advancement. Because of the fast-paced, demanding CS/SP environment where time and other critical resources are often limited — and where CS/SP professionals must divide their time and attention across a wide range of tasks and responsibilities — it’s essential that these individuals have easy access to information to help them perform their jobs most effectively and efficiently.

To assist in these important goals, the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) continues to add valuable educational content and other focused materials directly to its website, with the content available free of charge to active or associate IAHCSMM members.

Document library deepens

In 2016, IAHCSMM began posting on its website sample resource documents for departmental process and performance improvement. The documents are provided by different healthcare facilities and are offered as samples of reference to IAHCMM members. Thanks to IAHCSMM’s active and ever-growing membership base, the list of sample documents shared by facilities has grown significantly. As of June 2, 2019, dozens of sample documents are available under the Competencies, Forms & Documents, Job Descriptions and Posters sections, and more than 50 are available under the Policies section.

Just some of the available sample documents under Policies/Procedures include: Meeting staffing needs; department access and workflow; volunteers working in CS/SP; water supply disruption and contamination; and maintenance of processing equipment. Of the 12 provided posters that can be made visible to staff throughout the department, some cover critical topics such as handwashing; patient support; dress code; and bullying. Competency documents address cleaning and handling of endoscopes; instrument assembly; surgical instrument inspection and evaluation; TEE probe cleaning; gas plasma sterilization; and more. The Forms and Checklists section covers a broad range of pertinent content, such as endoscope tracking; case cart quality assurance audits; sterilization load record quality assurance audits; committee goal progress reports; inservice record with sign-in sheet; loaned instrument check-in form; new item shelf tag; and preparation and packaging temperature/humidity record log.

Continued success of the Sample Documents section of IAHCSMM’s website depends upon ongoing participation from IAHCSMM members. CS/SP professionals who have documents they wish to share should review the Frequently Asked Questions section ( for submission rules and requirement, and then complete the online CS Sample Document Submission form. Note: Users must be logged in as a current IAHCSMM Member or Certified Member to review or submit sample documents.

Webinar content grows

Recognizing the need for today’s busy CS/SP professionals to fulfill their continuing education (CE) requirements on the go, IAHCSMM developed a series of webinars that can be accessed from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. The webinars are available free to IAHCSMM members and for a small fee to non-members. Completion of any webinar provides 1 CE (following each webinar, the user will need to take a brief survey to receive credit toward their certification renewals).

To date, 17 webinars are available that cover a broad range of topics, including: Basic Instrument Inspection; Behind Closed Doors: The Role of the CS Department in Infection Prevention; Central Service Attire Overview; Developing Teaching and Training Skills; Environmental Cleaning; Fostering a Mentoring Culture in Your Department; Gamification in Central Service; General Safety for Central Service Departments; High-Level Disinfection in Central Service; Immediate Use Steam Sterilization; Implant Processing; Laparoscopic, Robotic and Insulated Instrument Inspection; Loaned Instrumentation; Risk Assessments; Sterilization Containers; Survey Readiness; and Understanding and Developing a Competency Program.

More webinars are currently in development and will continue to be added to the IAHCSMM website, so those interested in participating should check the Online Store for further information on the webinars and access to all the content. 

Note: The CS Sample Resource Documents compiled and posted on the IAHCSMM website have been provided by numerous sources. They are offered as samples for members’ reference only and are not intended to represent the best or only approach to any particular issue. IAHCSMM is not a standards-making organization and these documents do not represent IAHCSMM requirements. IAHCSMM and the individuals or companies providing the samples do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or suitability of any document, and they assume no responsibility or liability in connection with the use or misuse of any material. The samples posted should not be construed as standards or legal advice, and users should seek other appropriate professional guidance. Users should verify that any documents or portions of documents they choose to use meet current standards and federal regulations, as well as applicable state and local requirements. Commercial products or services named in these documents do not represent an endorsement by IAHCSMM.

About the Author

Julie E. Williamson

Julie Williamson is the  IAHCSMM Communications Director.