Sample resource documents simplify CS department’s process improvement efforts

Aug. 24, 2016

All Central Service (CS) departments should seek to improve their practices on a daily basis; however, CS professionals may not always know the best ways to get started and make the most impact for their department, facility and healthcare customers. This may be especially challenging in the fast-paced, demanding CS environment where time and other critical resources are often limited, and CS professionals are already dividing their time across a wide range of tasks and responsibilities.

The International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) is striving to make this process easier and less daunting for CS departments around the world by providing on its website ( sample resource documents for departmental process and performance improvement. Tapping the power of IAHCSMM’s ever-growing membership, these resource documents are provided by different facilities and are offered to IAHCSMM members as samples for reference.

Just some of the available document samples that can be used as a template or to enhance existing departmental documents include:

Competencies, such as:

  • Cleaning flexible endoscopes
  • Inspection/Evaluation of surgical instruments
  • Instrument assembly
  • Proper donning/doffing of personal protective equipment

Forms and checklists, such as:

  • Sterilization load record quality assurance audit
  • Endoscope tracking
  • Inservice attendance tracking
  • Loaner instrument check-in form
  • “Out for Repair” shelf tag
  • Infection control work area checklist

Job descriptions:

  • CS Educator
  • Equipment Distribution Technician
  • CS Aide
  • CS Supervisor/Manager
  • Inventory Coordinator
  • CS Administrative Assistant

Policies/Procedures, such as:

  • Maintenance of processing equipment
  • Handling of contaminated devices
  • Representation to the infection control committee
  • Staffing to meet needs
  • Departmental access and workflow
  • Dress code requirements
  • Hand hygiene basics
  • Disaster planning
  • Environmental cleaning
  • Staff education

CS departments are unique. The medical devices they reprocess and the equipment they use to reprocess them varies from department to department. Also, departments can vary in size and in the tools they have to do the job, and each will be at a different place in their performance improvement journey; therefore, it is important to note that no single document will be a precise fit for every department. Still, IAHCSMM is confident that providing access to these sample documents will enable CS professionals to enhance their own departmental practices, policies and procedures. Sharing successful approaches, best practices and procedures is invaluable to CS professionals, especially because the CS discipline is ever evolving in terms of new technologies, standards, guidelines and other changes that impact CS work practices.

Ongoing success of the CS Sample Documents section relies on participation from IAHCSMM members. CS professionals who have documents they wish to share should review the Frequently Asked Questions section ( for submission rules and requirement, and then complete the online CS Sample Document Submission form. Note: You must be logged in as a current IAHCSMM Member or Certified Member to review or submit sample documents.

Disclaimer: The CS Sample Resource Documents compiled and posted on the IAHCSMM website have been provided by numerous sources. They are offered as samples for members’ reference only and are not intended to represent the best or only approach to any particular issue. IAHCSMM is not a standards-making organization and these documents do not represent IAHCSMM requirements. IAHCSMM and the individuals or companies providing the samples do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or suitability of any document, and they assume no responsibility or liability in connection with the use or misuse of any material. The samples posted should not be construed as standards or legal advice, and users should seek other appropriate professional guidance. Users should verify that any documents or portions of documents they choose to use meet current standards and federal regulations, as well as applicable state and local requirements. Commercial products or services named in these documents do not represent an endorsement by IAHCSMM.

About the Author

Julie E. Williamson

Julie Williamson is the  IAHCSMM Communications Director.

Photo courtesy: NorthShore University HealthSystem, HPN’s 2022 SPD of the year
Photo courtesy: NorthShore University HealthSystem, HPN’s 2022 SPD of the year
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