Jenny Bender

July 23, 2024

Age: 37

Hometown: I was an Air Force brat but Pittsburgh, PA has adopted me as one of its own – I’ve lived here 14 years, the longest I’ve lived anywhere!

Alma Matter: Creighton University

Number of Years of Experience in Healthcare: 17

Someone You Look Up to in the Industry: My manager, Alice Brewer – she has done a little bit of everything (sometimes all at once!) and makes it look easy. I greatly appreciate getting to learn from her in my current role.

Favorite Hobby: Hitting the trails with my twin toddlers and my Norwegian elkhound puppy, Loki.

Favorite Movie of All-Time: It’s Complicated (but I’ll watch any Nancy Meyers movie anytime it’s on!)

Favorite Band or Musician: The hardest question for me! Before I started in healthcare, I worked at a record store. Radiohead, Sigur Ros, and Sufjan Stevens are all up there.

Your Favorite thing about healthcare: I love that every day I can come to work and contribute to something that makes a positive difference in others’ lives.