Medica 2021 announces high number of exhibiting companies from North America

Sept. 23, 2021

When MEDICA, World Forum for Medicine, and COMPAMED, High tech solutions for medical technology, return as in-person events to the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany, a large contingent of the more than 2,500 exhibitors will be from North America. Both events will be held concurrently from November 15 - 18, 2021 on-site as well as online.

To date, a total of 299 exhibitors from North America will present their innovations. In addition to individual exhibitors, North American companies also participate in three U.S. and one Canadian Pavilions which are supported by the respective government entities.

U.S. medical device companies are highly regarded globally for their innovations and high-tech products and with 40%, the United States remains the largest medical device market worldwide. From $156 billion in 2017 it is expected to grow to $208 billion by 2023. U.S. exports of medical devices in key product categories identified by the Department of Commerce exceeded $43 billion in 2018.

U.S. companies at MEDICA will exhibit within the two U.S. Pavilions with diagnostics equipment and laboratory equipment. while 13 of the 63 U.S. exhibitors at COMPAMED will participate in the U.S. Pavilion. The U.S. group exhibits are organized by Messe Düsseldorf North America, the U.S. subsidiary of the trade fairs’ organizer.

“It’s been pleasantly surprising to see such optimism across the industry this past year. The broad consensus is that nothing replaces the valuable face-to-face interactions that international trade shows like MEDICA and COMPAMED offer. In fact, Messe Düsseldorf North America continues to get multiple inquiries every week from American companies inquiring about exhibit space availability,” shared Ryan Klemm, Senior Business Development Manager at Messe Düsseldorf North America.

“3M Medical Materials and Technologies helps healthcare manufacturers design and build more reliable, innovative and feature-rich medical devices. MEDICA has a solid reputation as one of the most important trade fairs for the life sciences worldwide, we see the value in meeting in-person with customers along with hearing from the experts in the industry at this event”, commented Jacquie Urquia, Global Marketing Communications Leader, Medical Materials & Technologies Medical Solutions Division, Healthcare Business at 3M.

“For nearly 25+ years, Enterprise Florida – the state’s economic development agency – has annually organized the Florida Pavilion at MEDICA. As a result, innumerous Florida companies have successfully introduced their products to the international marketplace and grown their export operations. MEDICA has never disappointed, and we are excited to be there again in November, especially this year in order to take advantage of the opportunities that the challenges of the past year have presented,” reported Michael Schiffhauer, Vice President, International Trade Development & Field Operations, Enterprise Florida.

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