Cardinal Health launches NavixRx Compliance Packaging and E-Commerce Storefront

July 20, 2021

 Cardinal Health launched two new solutions – Cardinal HealthNavixRx Compliance Packaging and E-Commerce Storefront – to help independent pharmacies meet changing consumer expectations and offer personalized and convenient on-demand services. 

NavixRx Compliance Packaging provides independent pharmacies a solution to outsource compliance packaging for patients taking two or more prescriptions daily. Compliance packaging increases medication adherence – and thereby improves health outcomes – for patients on complicated medication regimens by putting the medications together into daily strip packs. 

Pharmacists send prescriptions to the Cardinal Health fulfillment center, in Lewisville, Texas, where a team of on-site pharmacists utilize a central fill model to compliantly package prescriptions, by the dose, into a 30-day supply of strip packs. Over-the-counter medications and vitamins can be added to the daily strip packs with the prescriptions. Multiple quality checks, including digital imaging, are performed at the Cardinal Health fulfillment center to confirm the contents of every package before sending the compliance strips back to the pharmacy for delivery to the patient.  

NavixRx Compliance Packaging digitally integrates with the pharmacist's Pharmacy Management System to ensure consistency and safety, and is fully operational in Lewisville with proximity to a Cardinal Health distribution center and the Dallas Fort Worth and Alliance airports, providing supply and logistical advantages for service to pharmacies nationwide. 

The E-Commerce Storefront is a digital platform that independent pharmacies can leverage to expand online shopping capabilities for patients by offering more than 11,000 over-the-counter products. The storefront website is a cloud-based solution that integrates into the independent pharmacy's existing website and provides a streamlined dashboard to reconcile orders. Available over-the-counter products are automatically processed through the pharmacy's distribution center with their standard shipment. E-Commerce Storefront offers next-day delivery from the Cardinal Health warehouse to the pharmacy, along with marketing support from Cardinal Health. 

Visit Cardinal Health for more.

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