Supply chains and their pandemic readiness plan

April 22, 2020
Fast Stats - May 2020

Resilinc conducted a Pandemic Readiness Assessment of global manufacturers. The results underscore the importance of preparing your Supply Chain for pandemics.


of suppliers admit to not having a pandemic readiness program


of supply chains have never tested their pandemic plan in the last three years


of manufacturers reported part shortages in February and March


of manufacturers reported transportation disruptions


reported not being able to deliver products to customers in February and March


of companies were not monitoring the COVID-19 situation as of February 15, 2020; 97% of the companies were monitoring COVID-19 as of March 25.


of supplier regions reported employees with COVID-19 at their sites


of suppliers had employees out as much as two weeks; 16% of suppliers expect employees to be out two weeks and beyond


weeks was the average disruption impact reported on manufacturing operations, with some manufacturers reporting expected disruptions for a staggering 16 weeks

Source: Resilinc maps the supply chain multiple tiers deep, all the way down to part, supplier and site levels, and exposes hidden failure points deep in sub-tier suppliers.