PODCAST: Reprocessing with Lars Thording

Sept. 4, 2024
On this episode, Lars Thording, PhD, vice president of Innovative Health, talks all things medical device reprocessing with Janette Wider, Editor-in-Chief of HPN.

Lars Thording, PhD, has a background in academia, consulting and industry leadership. He has been responsible for the launch of numerous market-disrupting solutions across healthcare, insurance and technology. Originally from Denmark, Lars has taught at universities in Denmark, Ireland and the United States. He currently serves as the vice president of marketing and public affairs at Innovative Health, a medical device reprocessing company specializing in electrophysiology and cardiology technology. Lars currently serves on the board of the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors.

About the Author

Janette Wider | Editor-in-Chief

Janette Wider is Editor-in-Chief for Healthcare Purchasing News.