Federal Health Insurance Exchange releases week 1 open enrollment snapshot

Nov. 17, 2020

In week one of the 2021 Open Enrollment period, 818,365 people selected plans using the HealthCare.gov platform, reported the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Read more at HPN.

As in past years, enrollment weeks are measured Sunday through Saturday. Every week during Open Enrollment, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will release enrollment snapshots for the HealthCare.gov platform, which is used by the federally facilitated Exchange and some state-based exchanges. These snapshots provide point-in-time estimates of weekly plan selections, call center activity, and visits to HealthCare.gov or CuidadoDeSalud.gov.

The final number of plan selections associated with enrollment activity during a reporting period may change due to plan modifications or cancellations. In addition, the weekly snapshot only reports new plan selections and active plan renewals and does not report the number of consumers who have paid premiums to effectuate their enrollment.

New Jersey and Pennsylvania transitioned to their own SBE platforms for 2021, thus they are not on the HealthCare.gov platform for 2021 coverage. Those two states accounted for 578,251 plan selections last year, accounting for seven percent of all plan selections. These enrollees’ selections will not appear in our figures until we announce the State-based Marketplace plan selections.

CMS has the fact sheet.