Measles Exposure Confirmed in Kansas City Airport and Hospital
A resident with a confirmed case of measles passed through the Kansas City International Airport on Jan. 4 and North Kansas City Hospital from Jan. 5-6, potentially exposing scores of people to the infectious disease.
HPN previously reported on a measles outbreak in the Philadelphia area on Jan. 8 with eight confirmed cases. Cases of measles typically originate in those who are non-immune – either unvaccinated or too young to have received the vaccine yet.
The Clay County Public Health Center identified in a news flash the areas that people were potentially exposed to measles, including Terminal B of the airport on the night of Jan. 4, the North Kansas City Hospital Emergency Department waiting area on Jan. 5, and a couple different floors of the hospital over Jan. 5 and Jan. 6.
Public health officials also urge that “anyone exposed should watch for symptoms of measles until January 27.” Additionally, anyone who is ill or experiencing measles-like symptoms are urged to stay home unless seeking medical care.
The Clay County website has the release.

Matt MacKenzie | Associate Editor
Matt is Associate Editor for Healthcare Purchasing News.