Olympus promotes screening to prevent colorectal cancer

March 20, 2019

March 2019 marks the 20th annual National Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Awareness month, observed to educate the public on and promote awareness for cancer screening, prevention and testing. Olympus, a global provider of endoscopic instruments and other healthcare technologies, is taking steps to promote the initiative.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening for colorectal cancer by one of several tests, including colonoscopy, beginning at age 50 and continuing until age 75. The American Cancer Society updated its screening guidelines in 2018, recommending that people at average risk begin screening at age 45. More than 60% of the 50,000 people who die from colorectal cancer could have survived with earlier detection; yet only 25% of adults aged 50 to 75 have been screened, according to the ASC.

To increase the number of people who are screened, Olympus is continuing its support of major national colorectal cancer organizations and offering its own screening incentives. These efforts include:

  • Sponsoring 100 free or low-cost colonoscopies for those in need.
  • Sponsoring the Colorectal Cancer Alliances’ “Big Colon Tour”
  • Sponsoring the Colon Cancer Coalition’s “Get Your Rear in Gear” 5K run/walk and Tour de Tush cyclist event in six cities
  • Motivating employees to become educators about the importance of colorectal screening
  • Continuing patient education outreach via colonoscopytoday.com

To help improve colonoscopy procedures, Olympus makes The ENDOCUFF Vision therapeutic device, which affixes to the distal tip of the colonoscope and aids physicians in gaining a fuller picture of the mucosa by flattening folds inside the colon. Research has shown that use of the ENDOCUFF Vision improves the effectiveness and efficiency of colonoscopies by increasing adenoma detection rates.

Olympus has the release.