HPN to recognize “Supply Chain-Focused Clinicians” with inaugural CURE award
As clinicians bolster their influence and grow as more active participants in the supply chain – not just as consumers/users of products and services, but as direct decision-makers on product and supplier selection and contracting, Healthcare Purchasing News plans to profile “Clinicians Understanding, Respecting and Engaging” (CURE) Supply Chain professionals to enhance their clinical practices and the patient care they deliver with its inaugural CURE award.
Our goal remains twofold: We recognize clinicians – physicians, surgeons, nurses, CMOs, CNOs, department heads, etc. – who have made solid contributions to supply chain operations – activities, practices and thinking – and we want to further solidify and strengthen the clinical bonds between clinicians and supply chain professionals that pursue and implement clinically integrated supply chains.
We recognize that clinically integrated supply chains represent standard operating procedure among successful healthcare organizations now and in the future, so we strive to showcase their efforts and opportunities to the readership and industry at large – both to reflect and to accelerate that trend.
We call on you to nominate notable clinicians for HPN’s "CURE Award for Supply Chain Focused Clinicians.”
We invite you to recommend worthy candidates for recognition in our July 2021 edition by e-mailing us reasons how and why a supply chain-focused clinician in your organization (or in an organization with which you’re familiar) deserves the spotlight.
In 800 words or fewer, please describe with as much detail as possible how and why he or she understands, how and why he or she respects, how and why he or she engages the Supply Chain Management department and its leaders as a bridge between clinical, financial and operational success.
For your nomination to qualify, please be sure to comply with the following 5 rules:
1. Any nomination must be original and exclusive to HPN and not have been submitted – either original or edited – to any other publication or online media outlet currently or within the previous year.
2. GPO and distributor support is commendable, but we’re looking for internally driven details beyond GPO- and distributor-driven contributions as well, including outsourcing operations to a GPO or distributor.
3. Any nominated physician (or nominator) must be willing to share with our readers relevant basic financial details about the initiatives and projects in which they are working.
4. Those eligible for consideration include physicians, surgeons, nurses, C-suite executives and department heads with clinical/medical degrees and pedigrees. Physicians and surgeons who earned a “PURE” award between 2016 and 2019 are not eligible as HPN already honored them and their contributions.
5. This award recognizes, honors and profiles individuals only – not teams or teams of individuals. Please note that if you submit a team of clinicians we will evaluate each team member separately and may only choose one member of that team.
Please email your nominations/recommendations to me at [email protected].
Help us share the stories of these remarkable clinicians as a service to them and the industry as a whole. Thank you in advance!