International CS Week: October 8-14, 2017

Sept. 21, 2017

With tireless dedication, CS healthcare customers can count on clean and sterile instruments being delivered consistently — and on time. Utilizing unwavering adherence to industry standards, best practices, and policies and procedures, patient safety is never sacrificed.

International Central Service Week recognizes the committed specialists that fill CS departments and make a difference in patient care throughout the United States. Held annually, CS Week starts with the second Sunday in October.

IAHCSMM celebrates these dedicated professionals for all of their outstanding achievements — not just this week, but each and every day of the year! It is our hope that International Central Service Week brings the appreciation and respect so greatly deserved. IAHCSMM recognizes you as Central to healthcare and essential for quality Service.

International CS Week is a special time for you to demonstrate the importance of your Central Service/Sterile Processing team. Show support for your profession, staff, colleagues and friends with gifts that are sure to make this year’s celebration the best ever!

Tips to Promote CS Awareness:

  • Show Your Commitment to Patient Safety
  • Advocate for Support
  • Engage the Community
  • Celebrate Your Team
  • Give Central Service heightened visibility with a memento or honor a colleague by making a donation to the Education Fund in their name.

CS Week is also a time to reflect on professional development. Contact a local vendor to offer an intensive workshop with your staff to promote education. Create a poster for your department depicting a success story that occurred in the past year, or a bulletin board with staff pictures and employment history. Offer a scholarship for staff to become certified, or distribute certificates to employees that helped achieve departmental goals. Send a personal note or card to each member of your team, thanking them for their contributions toward better patient safety and care.

Visit IAHCSMM for more information: